STAAD.Pro Help

OS. Frame.vbsマクロ


注記: 次のコードの最初の行の位置に、OpenSTAADUIの参照が含まれています。これは、Script EditorをSTAADProに接続することでマクロに追加されます。ただし、STAAD.Pro Script Editor内には表示されません。
'#Reference {EDA9FA7F-EFC9-4264-9513-39CF6E72604D}#1.0#0# C:\Program Files\Bentley\Engineering\STAAD.Pro 2023\ STAAD\StaadPro.dll#OpenSTAADUI#OpenSTAADUI
'| $Macro File: Frame.vbs $
'| $Date: 15/Aug./2017 $
'| $Created by Surojit Ghosh and Jason Coleman. All rights reserved. $
Sub Main()
'DESCRIPTION:Create a 2D frame with supports

 Begin Dialog UserDialog 600,200,"2D Frame Model" ' %GRID:5,5,1,1
 Text 20,20,190,15,"No. of Horizontal Bays:",.Text1
 Text 20,45,190,15,"No. of Vertical Bays",.Text2
 Text 20,70,190,15,"Vertical Distance",.Text3
 Text 20,95,190,15,"Horizontal Distance",.Text4
 Text 20,130,190,15,"Support Type",.Text5
 TextBox 220,20,130,15,.clmn
 TextBox 220,40,130,15,.row
 TextBox 220,70,130,15,.ht
 TextBox 220,95,130,15,.wdth
 OptionGroup .sprt
 OptionButton 220,130,90,15,"Fixed",.OptionButton1
 OptionButton 370,130,90,15,"Pinned",.OptionButton2
 OKButton 360,165,90,20
 CancelButton 490,165,90,20
 End Dialog
 Dim dlg As UserDialog

 Dim dlgResult As Integer
 Dim crdx As Double
 Dim crdy As Double
 Dim crdz As Double
 Dim n1 As Long
 Dim n2 As Long
 Dim i1 As Long
 Dim s1 As Long

 dlg.clmn = "3"
 dlg.row = "5" = "3"
 dlg.wdth = "5"

 'Popup the dialog
 dlgResult = Dialog(dlg)

 If dlgResult = -1 Then 'OK button pressed
 Debug.Print "OK button pressed"

 clmn = Abs( CDbl(dlg.clmn) )
 row = Abs( CDbl(dlg.row) )
 ht = Abs( CDbl( )
 wdth = Abs( CDbl(dlg.wdth) )
 sprt = CStr(dlg.sprt)

 Debug.Print "No. of Horizontal Bays = ";clmn
 Debug.Print "No. of Vertical Bays = ";row
 Debug.Print "Vertical Distance = ";ht
 Debug.Print "Horizontal Distance = ";wdth
 Debug.Print "Support Type = ";sprt

 crdx = 0
 crdy = 0
 crdz = 0

 Dim objOpenSTAAD As Object
 Set objOpenSTAAD = GetObject(,"StaadPro.OpenSTAAD")

 Dim geometry As OSGeometryUI
 Set geometry = objOpenSTAAD.Geometry

 For j = 2 To (row + 2)
 For i = 1 To (clmn + 1)
 crdx = (i - 1) * wdth
 geometry.AddNode crdx, crdy, crdz
 crdy = (j - 1) * ht

 Dim support As OSSupportUI
 Set support = objOpenSTAAD.Support

 If sprt = "0" Then
 s1 = support.CreateSupportFixed()
 ElseIf sprt = "1" Then
 s1 = support.CreateSupportPinned()
 MsgBox("Select Proper Support Type",vbOkOnly,"Error")
 Exit Sub
 End If
 Debug.Print "Support return value = ";s1
 For i1 = 1 To (clmn + 1)
 support.AssignSupportToNode i1,s1

 n1 = 1
 n2 = (n1 + clmn +1)
 For k = 1 To (clmn + 1)*row
 geometry.AddBeam n1, n2
 n1 = n1 + 1
 n2 = n2 + 1

 n1 = 1
 For k1 = 1 To row
 n1 = k1 * (clmn + 1)+1
 n2 = n1 + 1
 For k2 = 1 To clmn
 geometry.AddBeam n1, n2
 n1 = n1 + 1
 n2 = n2 + 1

 ElseIf dlgResult = 0 Then 'Cancel button pressed
 Debug.Print "Cancel button pressed"
 End If

End Sub



Sub Main()
'DESCRIPTION:Create a 2D frame with supports

Dim arrSupports
arrSupports = Array("Fixed","Pinned")

    Begin Dialog UserDialog 600,200,"2D Frame Model" ' %GRID:5,5,1,1
        Text 20,20,190,15,"No. of Horizontal Bays:",.Text1
        Text 20,45,190,15,"No. of Vertical Bays",.Text2
        Text 20,70,190,15,"Vertical Distance",.Text3
        Text 20,95,190,15,"Horizontal Distance",.Text4
        Text 20,130,190,15,"Support Type",.Text5
        TextBox 220,20,130,15,.clmn
        TextBox 220,40,130,15,.row
        TextBox 220,70,130,15,.ht
        TextBox 220,95,130,15,.wdth
        DropListBox 240,130,130,50,arrSupports(),.sprt
        OKButton 360,165,90,20
        CancelButton 490,165,90,20
    End Dialog
    Dim dlg As UserDialog
